meet the team




Executive Director
Marina founded Dive In Productions in 2014 as a safe space for theater artists of every level to grow and explore in their craft. She is a graduate of Emerson College’s Theatre Studies program with concentrations in directing and arts management. She is currently directing and performing on the Seacoast of New Hampshire.


Jordan Formichelli

Artistic Director
Jordan is a Portsmouth native and has been an actor, producer, director, and stage manager in NH for the past 6 years. Jordan also served as Artistic Director of Dive In Productions, a seacoast-based independent theatre production company.

Some favorite roles to-date include: Girl in Greg Kotis' The End of All Flesh (Rochester Opera House), Masha/Troupe in We Are Pussy Riot (Billy Butler/Artspace), Audrey in Little Shop of Horrors (Hatbox Theatre), Annie Pepperberry in Jon McCormack's Paintbox (Players' Ring), and Earthworm in Pasek & Paul's James & the Giant Peach (Rochester Opera House). Also extremely proud to have directed Jay Curtis' The Little Dipper (virtual debut) as well as Dive In's production of Pasek & Paul's Dogfight (Players' Ring).

You can find Jordan and their latest theatre endeavors (as well as pictures of the family dogs, Winnie & Clark) on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter @jofofosho3.





Technical Director
Meghan Flynn specializes in bringing high-quality technical theater elements to any production. Her most recent credits include scenic and lighting design (Dive In’s Dogfight), Technical Director (Rogue Production’s Some Holiday), as well as, Director (Almost, Maine), and Puppetry (Rhinoceros).