Anti-Racism policy

We at Dive In Productions recognize the significant disparities felt throughout the theatre community by BIPOC artists and are committed to a continuous development of anti-racist, anti-oppression policies in all areas of our work. Industry change is not possible unless we all commit to working towards a more equitable system that facilitates participation in a supportive environment. As such, we as an organization commit to the following practices, all artists wishing to work with Dive In will be required to do the same: 

  • The following statement will be read at the beginning of each rehearsal process. All production team members will be required to sign a form acknowledging they have heard and understand the policy: 

Dive In Productions strives to be a supportive environment for artists of every experience level to learn and grow in their craft. As artists, we recognize the significant disparities felt throughout the theatre community by BIPOC artists and are committed to a continuous development of anti-racist, anti-oppression policies in all areas of our work. Dive In Productions has a zero tolerance policy when it comes to any form of harassment, intimidation, and bullying. Theatre is a vulnerable experience and it is up to every member of the team to ensure we maintain a healthy and collaborative environment. 

In your capacity as a member of the Dive In community, we expect these values to be held up. In the event of an incident where an artist is made to feel uncomfortable or unable to take the risks and chances necessary to learning and growing, staff will be notified and further action will be taken. Should a member of a production team continue to create an unsafe work environment for their production team following a conversation with the Dive In staff, they will be removed from the production. 

  • The names of all production team members (designers, directors, choreographers, etc.) will be publicly disclosed upon their hire to ensure transparency between collaborators. 

  • All production companies must elect a Cast Deputy 

    • Cast Deputy will work with the Stage Manager/Production Manager when reporting any incident of inappropriate/damaging behavior. Including racist remarks or actions, microaggressions, etc. 

    • CD & SM will be responsible for reporting incidents to the Dive In staff for further action 

  • Casting and hiring announcements will never include the following phrases: 

    • “Years of experience” 

    • “Degree required” 

    • “Education requirement” 

  • Pay what you can tickets will be reserved for each show where Dive In Productions controls the ticketing platform. When working with other venues, a good faith effort will be made to ensure “pay what you can” tickets are available. Accessibility is key to inclusion and empowerment. 

  • In understanding that we do not pay enough to demand full time work hours the following policies will be in place

    • Leading up to tech weeks, rehearsals will not be held past 10:30 unless previously agreed upon by the entire cast and crew called that day 

    • Changes in the rehearsal schedule must be noted at least 48 hours in advance, there will never be a repercussion if a performer or crew member is unable to accommodate the change due to their work schedule. Should the director issue repercussions, they will be addressed by the Executive Director. A second infraction of this policy will result in their termination from the project. 


Dive In Productions understands that as an arts organization, we have an important role to play in dismantling white supremacy in the work we bring to life onstage and within our community. We stand  in solidarity with our black community, artists, and colleagues, as well as other arts organizations that are committed to confronting racism, encouraging conversation and understanding, and making sure the art and stories we create for audiences accurately reflect the need and desire for a more equitable world.

We invite you to join us and engage in these resources below.

An Anti-Racist Reading List by Ibram X. Kendi

Anti-Racism Resources

75 Things White People Can Do for Racial Justice by Corrine Shutack